- invisible assets
- эк нематериа́льные акти́вы
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
Invisible Assets — An item of value that is intangible and that cannot be seen, such as brand recognition and intellectual property including trademarks, copyrights or patents. Invisible assets are non material assets that are shown in a company’s balance… … Investment dictionary
invisible assets — /ɪnˌvɪzɪb(ə)l æsets/ plural noun assets which have a value but which cannot be seen, e.g. goodwill or patents … Marketing dictionary in english
invisible assets — /ɪnˌvɪzɪb(ə)l æsets/ plural noun assets which have a value but which cannot be seen, e.g. goodwill or patents … Dictionary of banking and finance
invisible assets — See intangible asset … Big dictionary of business and management
invisible — [in viz′ə bəl] adj. [OFr < L invisibilis] 1. not visible; that cannot be seen 2. out of sight; not apparent 3. too small or too faint to be seen; imperceptible 4. kept hidden [invisible assets] n. an invisible thing or being … English World dictionary
intangible asset — invisible asset An asset that can neither be seen nor touched. The most common of these are competencies, goodwill, and intellectual properties such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Goodwill is probably the most intangible and invisible of … Accounting dictionary
intangible asset — invisible asset An asset that can neither be seen nor touched. The most common of these are competencies, goodwill, and intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Goodwill is probably the most intangible and invisible of… … Big dictionary of business and management
Edith Elura Penrose — Edith Elura Penrose, geborene Tilton (* 15. November 1914 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien; † 11. Oktober 1996 in Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, Großbritannien), war eine amerikanisch britische Ökonomin. Ihr Hauptwerk ist The Theory of the Growth of the… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Edith Penrose — Edith Elura Penrose, geborene Tilton (* 15. November 1914 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien; † 11. Oktober 1996 in Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, Großbritannien), war eine amerikanisch britische Ökonomin. Ihr Hauptwerk ist The Theory of the Growth of the… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Penrose-Effekt — Edith Elura Penrose, geborene Tilton (* 15. November 1914 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien; † 11. Oktober 1996 in Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, Großbritannien), war eine amerikanisch britische Ökonomin. Ihr Hauptwerk ist The Theory of the Growth of the… … Deutsch Wikipedia
НЕВИДИМЫЕ АКТИВЫ — (invisible assets) См.: неосязаемые, нематериальные активы (intangible assets). Бизнес. Толковый словарь. М.: ИНФРА М , Издательство Весь Мир . Грэхэм Бетс, Барри Брайндли, С. Уильямс и др. Общая редакция: д.э.н. Осадчая И.М.. 1998 … Словарь бизнес-терминов